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ESL student Ramandeep Vilkhu receives the 2018 Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner Outstanding IEEE-HKN Student Award


Congratulations to ESL student Ramandeep Vilkhu, the national recipient of the 2018 Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner Outstanding ECE Student Award. The award recognizes outstanding scholastic excellence and high moral character, coupled with demonstrated exemplary service to classmates, university, community, and country. 

Vilkhu is a member of Ohio State's Gamma chapter. Professor Ronald Reano is the chapter advisor. Fellow IEEE-HKN members from ESL include Lucas Newton (Chapter President), Trevor Dean (Chapter Vice President), Mahnoor Naqvi (Treasurer), Matthew Belz, Gus Fragasse, Ryan Linnabary, Eric Martin, Ryan Patton, and Rafiul Rasel.

In spring 2018, Villkhu completed his undergrad studies in the Electical and Computer Engineering department at the Ohio State College of Engineering and carried out his Honors Research Thesis at the ElectroScience Lab under the supervision of Assistant Professor Asmina Kiourti. During the course of his studies/research at Ohio State, Vilkhu wrote multiple journal and conference papers, co-authored a provisional patent, and won multiple national and international awards. Currently, Vilkhu is pursuing his PhD at Stanford University.

The Alton B. Zerby and Carl T. Koerner Outstanding ECE Student Award is administered by the Los Angeles Area alumni chapter. 

Category: Alumni