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teraview equipment with computer on top

The Hyperspectral Engine Lab for Integrated Optical Systems (HELIOS) Laboratory is focused on exploring the uncharted THz spectrum by acquiring equipment and engaging several companies and government agencies in collaborative projects. Ongoing projects at HELIOS focus on THz imaging, spectroscopy, material characterization, next generation THz integrated circuits for high data rate proximity communications, active monitoring, quality control of electronic chips, pharmaceutical product quality control at the production line, and biomedical applications such as tissue imaging, detection and identification. The primary goal of the HELIOS laboratory is to facilitate development of faster, smaller, higher power and cheaper terahertz devices.  

Major THz test equipment at the HELIOS Laboratory are:

terahertz equipment on table
  • THz time domain Spectrometer & Imager (TeraView TPS300 covering 60GHz-3THz)
  • THz  CW spectrometer (100GHz-1.5THz)
  • Agilent VNA with VDI modules covering form 90GHz -750GHz for device & material characterization and a coherent imaging spectrometer
  • 2D THz video Camera (0.6-1.2THz)—developed at ESL
  • Microtech BWO THz source (covering 0.5-1.14THz)
  • Microtech Golay Cell THz Detector (0.02-20THz)
  • Hyperspectral 3D imaging system covering from IR to 2 THz (Photon-X Inc.)
  • Cascade probe stations and probes from 40-500GHz
  • 4-point probe measurement system for DC conductivity measurement